Bishop Frank H. English was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia where he currently resides. Bishop is married to the lovely Kathy English and out of their union they were blessed with three children, Timika, Frank Demond and Marcus along with two beautiful daughter in-laws, Kristen and Ruvi, a son in-law, Scott and six grandchildren, Jahdai, Jaelyn, Drayven, Jordin, Julian and Julianna. He has served as a devoted husband and father both in his home and in the house of the Lord.
Frank has been anointed and appointed by God to preach the Gospel. For many years he served as a loyal and committed member as well as operated in the leadership position of Elder, at Emmanuel Tabernacle Baptist Church under the leadership of his mother, the late Bishop J.C. English. Frank attended Bethlehem Bible College where he received his Associate degree in Christian Education and both a Bachelor’s degree and Master of Arts degree in Theology. As a result of his knowledge, labor and dedication to the Kingdom of God and the Gospel, on December 12, 2010, Frank was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by the late Rev. Thomas A. Woods, Sr. He has been a dedicated leader and establisher of several local singing groups and has served as a mentor to those seeking a positive life change. Frank also serves on the Board of Trustees for Bethlehem Bible College. He is well respected by his family, peers, church family and community as he faithfully serves all that cross his path.
In March 2006, Frank, through his call and vision to Pastor, stepped out on faith, founded and began serving as the shepherd of New Life Christian Fellowship. Throughout his years in ministry, Frank has been known to be a humble man of God with great integrity. His meekness and compassion for others has served as a witness to all who encounter him. This devoted and anointed servant of God is continuously seeking the Lord for his divine purpose. His vision is to reach the un-churched and be used as a vessel to preach and teach the Gospel Truth. Bishop Frank H. English has made an unfeigned difference in the Roanoke Valley and abroad.